Perfecting Pinterest: The Simple Way!

Learn proven strategies to increase traffic to your Pinterest account including:

  • Proven Pinterest SEO strategies

  • Strategies to creating click worthy pins that stand out

  • Up to date Pinterest algorithm techniques

  • Utilizing Pinterest data to your advantage

Want Results like This?!

Perfecting Pinterest provides proven strategies to increase Pinterest traffic to any account!

See what Perfecting Pinterest can do for you!

"My impressions increased like CRAZY! The data doesn't lie- I was SHOCKED when I saw my Pinterest analytics!"

 "I can't believe how much my traffic has increased! Thanks so much Erica!"

"I spent MONTHS trying to increase my pin impressions and clicks with little to no success. Perfecting Pinterest truly did wonders for my account!"

Course curriculum

  • 1

    About this course

    • Before you get started...

    • Pinterest Resources

    • Disclosure

  • 2

    Setting up your blog for Pinterest Success

    • Optimizing your Blog for Pinterest Marketing

  • 3

    Creating your Pinterest Account

    • Setting up a Business Account

    • Claiming your Website on Pinterest

    • Enabling Rich Pins

  • 4

    Pinterest Boards

    • Pinterest Boards

    • Creating Pinterest Boards

    • Creating Pinterest Boards Part 2

    • Board Covers

    • Board Covers Part 2

  • 5

    Creating Click-Worthy Pins

    • Pinterest SEO + Finding Keywords

    • Pinterest Keyword Research

    • Creating Pinterest Pins: Helpful Strategies

    • Power Words and Pin Starters

    • Types of Pinterest Pins

    • Stock Photos and Videos

    • Pin Templates

  • 6

    Proven Pinning Strategies

    • The Future of Pinterest

    • The Truth about Tailwind

    • Daily Pinning Strategy

    • All your Pinning Questions: Answered!

    • Weekly Manual Pinning Tracker

  • 7

    Understanding Pinterest Analytics

    • Using Pinterest Analytics

  • 8

    Let's Connect!

    • What's Next?

Bonus material

Your course also comes with...

  • FREE Downloads

    Embedded in the course lessons are free downloads to help support your Pinterest strategies

  • FREE Templates

    You will have access to 10 free Pinterest pin templates which you will find within this course

  • FREE Community

    You will have access to a private blogging Facebook group to connect with other bloggers just like you!

Get Started Now!

Don't wait another day to get your Pinterest strategy on track- start today!